Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Had a busy week/end. Had a nice Canada Day. We took a blanket to the waterfront to watch the fireworks. It was short but sweet. We had a bunch of good laughs while we waited for the show to begin.

This past week I did some soul searching and decided to do something that I had been wanting to do for a long time. I revealed my hurt and anger to my "supposed" best friend who had been bringing me down for quite a long time and I decided to just let it be but then I couldn't stand all he negativity so I said something which in turn resulted in her pretty much going apeshit on me. I won't go into details. I basically banished her from my life. Even my 14 y4r old could see how petty and negative this friend was being. I just blocked her emails and won't be in contact with her again. I am a bit sad because I thought we were friends for life but I realized she wasn't a real friend when she just couldn't be happy for me. It's sad when someone is so negative and their life is so lame that they can't be happy for others. She can hide behind her false declarations that she has so many friends and such a happy life but I know better! She used to spend all her spare time with me.. oh ya.. she was just using me to be near someone else.. silly me. I keep forgetting!

If she reads this, yes I read your blog.. and if you think I didn't catch your digs, then you're even more sad than I thought! At any rate, nothing you say hurts me because I consider the source!

now go take on the day!~

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