So the day before yesterday I went for my job interview.. I was so nervous but after about 5 mins of talking I was relaxed. I was told that they would let me know the next day. After I had been home about 2 hours I got a call. I was sure he was going to tell me that they went with someone else but he said we would like to offer you the job!!! I was like.. really! that is GREAT! Inside I was shitting bricks though :P He said, when can you start and I said tomorrow!
So yesterday I took the bus to town.. I was a bit early so I waited at the library for a bit and I was starting to freak out a bit.. panicking.. etc.. I had to do a lot of self talk!! Then I just put one foot in front of the other and entered the bldg!
I was introduced to everyone. For such a small place it was abuzz with people!
Well what an experience and much more involved than I figured. I was told I would just be starting off slow, cleaning, stocking shelves etc. But I took to my training right away and I was filling prescriptions after an hour being there. I am sure my medical transcription helped with that.
So basically what I do is, I help the pharmacy technician.. A really nice man named Wayne. It is a compounding pharmacy which means they make a lot of the meds on premises. They service a lot of the nursing homes in the area so a lot of the job is filling those prescriptions, then packing them all up on a time limit so the couriers can come and pick them up. So there is a lot of checking and rechecking. They also have individual customers and they stock items for walk in customers but they don't do much business that way. When the orders are all done then I have to go into the recycle room and I have to dispose of the half used meds. I have to black out all the names on the old boxes..and pour the other half used ingredients into the recycle bin they use.
I also have to do some clean up and recycling of paper etc.
I think I will really like this job. My feet are killing me cus I was on them on a concrete floor for 4 hrs straight..but it was challenging and I finally feel like I am using my brain :)
RIP Michael...
15 years ago
How great Angela. It sounds like a really good job. Medical people are nice:-)
What hours do you work?
You'll need to get yourself some really good quality work shoes with nice cushy air soles! If you're wearing shoes with no cushioning your feet and legs are gonna kill! Take it from a nurse who has worked on her feet for 12 hour shifts-- the right shoes make all the difference!
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