Friday, May 2, 2008

A Bunch of Stuff

Yesterday I was looking at the Ostriches over the fence..and I see this thing that looks like a giant marble.. duh.. its an EGG. I was kind of surprised that it was just sitting there and none of the ostriches were attending to it. Then I looked around and saw several smashed eggs!! Obviously the owners are not worried about breeding these animals, which makes me wonder why do they have them in the first place?

They are very strange looking things, with HUGE feet LOL

I seem to have a new obsession! I love Starbucks mugs LOL. I have more but those were the clean ones at the time. I think I am obsessed with Starbucks in general.
In 2000 I moved to Seattle, at the time I had never drank coffee in my life but as you know if you live in Seattle you MUST drink coffee or you are asked to leave :P My drink of choice is a non-fat, grande, white chocolate mocha, no whip, extra hot! Since starting my Weight Watchers diet I haven't had one. I just can't justify using those 5-7 points when I could eat a whole lot of food for the same amount, although.. drinking coffee like this seems to curb my hunger for hours.. hmmm!
My lily of the valley are coming along nicely, I still need to replant them into their planters though. I need to get my butt in gear and get some soil!
I can't wait until they bloom... I'm so excited!


blendergrl said...

thanks for dropping by my blog. Congratulations on joining and good luck on that first WI!!

Grace2 said...

Ostriches are strange, what kind of 'hood you livin in girl?